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Solutions from Taproot to enhance your business...

Taproot Recruiting Solutions has an experienced workforce that is intimately familiar with the cutting edge recruiting solutions available to companies.  Managing a workforce, the Human Capital of a business, requires a commitment from both employer and employee.  Often times, business growth requires more staff.  Hiring on the quick, without a plan, can slow things down in the long run.   That's when having a partner engaged in a network of talented individuals can be the answer.

Determining what solution fits your needs the best is a collaborative conversation.  Any of our service offerings could be effective, but balancing cost versus return is a core principal of every business decision.  We can explain how our various offerings drive value, and then you choose which you believe to be the best fit for your business. 

Staff Augmentation

Have a project coming in with a set time line?  A simple Staff Augmentation provides the solution.  Bring on a screened consultant that can positively impact the project and contribute to the team, assuring your business meets it's deliverables.  Many of these consultants prefer to come in and assist during the project, and then move on to another assignment once it's completed.  If you believe there may be an opportunity for the contract positions to become permanent, we adjust our search to find someone interested in the same thing.  This is a highly flexible offering that's tracked hourly.

Project Based Augmentation

This solution fits when you have multiple positions to fill with a set budget and time frame.  It allows for flexible billing options that bundle the deliverables into a Scope of Work (SOW).  At Taproot Recruiting Solutions, our assessment service can help you determine if this is the right way to fulfill your deliverable.  We can help write the SOW, and working with your team, we will recruit the best talent for your company.  



Recruiter Process Outsourcing

Don't have the staff to manage a large hiring initiative or relocation?  This solution offers you the ability to outsource your recruiting requirements to an Industry Leader.  Taproot Recruiter Solutions delivery team will act as your internal recruiting department throughout the initiative.  By partnering with your Human Resources Department or Talent Acquisition Team, we can seamlessly integrate into your corporate environment and provide full life cycle recruiting on or off site.   

Vendor Management Solution

Many companies have benefited by augmenting their staff as needed.  Unfortunately, some have lost the necessary transparency required to manage multiple vendors.  Taproot Recruiting Solutions can offer a Vendor Management Solution (VMS) that is free to the company.  How is this possible?  Because the vendors you work with actually help pay for the solution.  By partnering with leading providers in the industry, Taproot Recruiting Solutions has positioned itself as an industry leader in the VMS space.  It is this kind of forward thinking that allows us to be a true partner to our clients.    

Knowing your current assets and where you would like to take your organization is an important step in advancement. At Taproot Recruiting Solutions, our assessment service is key to achieving placement success. We meet with you personally and get an understanding of your situation, goals, culture, milestones, and objectives. We take this information and create a Talent Acquisition Plan (tap) and map a recruiting strategy.   Planning is key to success.  Taproot Recruiting Solutions is here to assist you with the all-important planning stage before we work together to implement your plan.

We can't wait to hear from you! Call us today and let us help you find what you're looking for.


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